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Movies For Lesbians - What Makes A Family

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  [2001 USA] – 110 minutes. Author: Robert L Freedman
Executive producers: Barbra Streisand and Whoopie Goldberg

Winner: Outstanding Television Movie [2002] GLAAD Media Award

Brooke Shields, Cherry Jones, Anne Meara, Whoopie Goldberg

What Makes A Family

Unfortunately not available at Amazon

But Here's a clip

And another

Synopsis: A well acted, beautifully narrated story of love and loss.

Lesbian relationship, Courtroom drama,  Bereavement

Janine Nielsen and Sandy Cataldi are in a committed relationship. They decide to have a baby by artificial insemination and all seems to be going well till disaster strikes

This moving story will have you reaching for your tissues but leave you with some hope

Will not give the story away here but it is a really moving tale of love

If you ever come across "what makes a family", it is well worth watching